lee berger

Lee Berger - New discoveries in human origins | Porto | GLEX ignition 2024

National Geographic explorer Lee Berger on the mysteries of the ‘Cave of Bones’


Lee Berger - GLEX summit 2024

WSU: Exploring Our Humanity with Lee Berger

Explorer Lee Berger on the Discovery of New Species Homo Naledi

Can Homo Naledi Change Our Understanding of Human Origins? Lee Berger Reveals

Google Earth and Human Evolution | Lee Berger | Talks at Google

Pioneers in Science: Lee Berger

What It's Like In The Dinaledi Chamber? Interview Lee Berger

Lee Berger: Rewriting human history

Discovering Homo Naledi: Journey to Find a Human Ancestor, Part 1 | Nat Geo Live

Our incredible origins: The astonishing tale of Homo naledi

Professor Lee Berger describes Homo naledi find

Lee Berger & the Cave of Lost Hominids

Trailer: Science and storytelling video series with Lee Berger

Lee Berger Announcement of Homo naledi Burial & Cave Etchings

The Future of Exploration in the Greatest Age of Exploration - Dr. Lee R. Berger

WATCH: Professor Lee Berger introduces his newest discovery

Join the Discussion: Lee Berger on Homo naledi Discoveries

Lee Berger - 10 Years of Synchrotron and Sediba

Many critics have not read all our research - Professor Lee Berger on Homo naledi detractors

'That just died': Paleoanthropologist debunks myth about humans

Pioneers in Science: Lee Berger